
Ways to contribute to Beth Chaim Congregation

Your generous support helps keep our congregation thriving and growing. It contributes directly to maintaining the building, services, and programs. We greatly thank you for your tax deductible contributions!

Donate with PayPal or Credit Card

Make any payments to BCC using PayPal or credit card— including your annual commitment, or any other donations. 
Be sure to indicate what the payment is for when using the PayPal site.

You do not need to have a PayPal account— you can use any major credit card with this link. 

Contribute by ACH or Send a Check to Beth Chaim

Please contact the office for ACH instructions or send a check made out to Beth Chaim Congregation directly to our address. 

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The Gratitude Tree

The Modeh Ani Gratitude Tree (literally, “I give thanks”) is a beautiful piece of artwork that is mounted on the wall in the entry foyer, and is a perfect place to create a lasting tribute to a loved one or an event in your life. Leaves and stones placed on the tree can honor, remember, and perpetuate the memory of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding, or loved one who has died.

For more information and to download the donation form.

Tzedakah and Tribute Donations

The gift of a donation to honor or remember family, friends and special events and occasions, is a meaningful recognition that will last forever. These tax deductible gifts help the Congregation do the crucial work of sustaining and improving Jewish life within the Beth Chaim community as well as the greater Tri-Valley community.

The following fund categories have been created for temple donations. 
• Beth Chaim Community Fund (our general fund to support Beth Chaim’s programs and events)
• Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
• Religious School (Beit Midrash) Fund
• Builder’s Fund

If you wish to make a donation, please complete the Tzedakah and Tribute donation form and submit it to our office. Please indicate the fund as well as any special tributes you would like noted with your donation.


Donate Stock to Beth Chaim

Beth Chaim Congregation is now equipped to process stock donations for the fulfillment of your continuing generous contributions to our synagogue.

With Gratitude, Thank You

We sincerely appreciate the generous support of our temple made by member and non-member donations.