Join the Brotherhood
We encourage all men of Beth Chaim to join the Beth Chaim Brotherhood! Any adult male Beth Chaim member may join and participate.
President: Burt Feldstein
For more information about Brotherhood or its programs, please email Burt.
For those of you who are new to Beth Chaim or who haven’t participated in the Brotherhood, it’s a great way to get to know a few more people at Beth Chaim and to get you (and your family) more connected to the community.
Those of us who have been active in the Brotherhood for many years will tell you that Brotherhood is a very meaningful part of our Beth Chaim experience and can be a great source of friendship and support for many years to come.
As the Beth Chaim Brotherhood continues to grow and evolve we are looking for people who are committed to helping shape the direction and future of the Brotherhood. All Brotherhood Board Members should be passionate about the Brotherhood as we were representing our membership at large as well as the Beth Chaim Community. The work we do on the board is rewarding and important, and the role we play vital to a strong Brotherhood.
The Beth Chaim Brotherhood was established to create an environment where men can gather, build friendships, foster camaraderie and strengthen the BCC community. The Hood will promote, support and participate in social, spiritual, religious and educational activities, and promote service to the Jewish community at large, provide leadership to the BCC and serve as mentors to its youth.

Membership Donations
We ask for a modest annual membership dues of $50 per year, payable each December. Our dues serve as the single largest revenue source for the organization and allow us to do more for our adult male congregants and the synagogue as a whole, as well as fund various activities, charitable giving, and support of Beth Chaim.
Dues can be paid by clicking on the “Paypal” button below and is $52 to cover the PayPal fee. You can also send a check, email Burt for details.
Current Programs
Brotherhood activities throughout the year include the annual Winter Getaway at Lake Tahoe, the March Madness pool, the Brotherhood Fantasy Football League, Brotherhood lunches and Brotherhood movie nights (think action flicks). We sponsor an annual Bocce Ball and Dinner night with spouses/partners, which is great fun. We have guest speakers and sometimes arrange other special events such as camping, hiking, and father/child activities. We donate to charitable causes. We buy Kiddush cups for the B’nei Mitzvah class, co-sponsor special Beth Chaim events, help to build the Beth Chaim Sukkah and provide support to the Beth Chaim community in times of need.

More Information
Look for announcements of Brotherhood events in “The Happenings” (Beth Chaim’s weekly email newsletter), The Star or the Beth Chaim website and ask to be put on the Brotherhood email list to receive Brotherhood emails. If you have any questions, ideas for new events or activities for the Brotherhood, or other thoughts on how to grow or improve the Brotherhood, please contact Burt.
Brotherhood Board Minutes To view the minutes of the Brotherhood Board Meetings in PDF format, you must be a registered member to access.
To view a PDF, use Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download the free PDF Reader.
Brotherhood Event listings
Are found on the BBC Calendar, and the weekly emailed newsletter, “The Happenings”.