Diversity and Acceptance
All of our Beth Chaim families strive to live meaningful lives, secure loved ones, celebrate joys, and share the burden of sorrows in the context of a Jewish congregation. At Beth Chaim, we accept and support interfaith families in their desire to live and observe Jewish faith traditions.
Beth Chaim engages with other local faith communities to support, learn, and collaborate across all faith traditions. Beth Chaim actively promotes programs to build a strong interfaith community, to teach ourselves and our children how to live lives that honor acceptance, promote cross-tradition collaboration and living productive lives in a diversity community.
Interfaith Group Affiliations
• Peace Lutheran Church
• The Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County
• Interfaith Family; Supporting Interfaith Families Exploring Jewish Life
• Interfaith San Ramon Valley (I-SRV)
Interfaith Community Building
Interfaith Dialogue and Education across faith traditions. Sharing different religious underpinnings, practices and experiences is a powerful antidote for the spread of anit-Semitism and interfaith bullying. Beth Chaim, in conjunction with the I-SRV community, offers open and candid dialogue across multiple traditions. Partnering with other faith tradition clergy and prominent authors and leaders, we explore, expand and evolve our own values and attitudes.
Interfaith Education. Each year Rabbi Dan challenges our interfaith thinking and values through readings, meaningful dialogue and story in educational workshop series.
We believe that lasting and productive partnerships across all faith traditions is integral to our Jewish perspective and the larger East Bay community.